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Meet the rest of the Umatilla Community
Band Directors

About Us

Ms. Curley has been a resident of the Umatilla community for nearly 20 years. She attended Umatilla Elementary school where she was first introduced to studying music in the very room she now teaches in today.
Ms. Curley attended Stetson University after high school where she studied Music and Business Administration. Here she participated in Stetson's Symphonic Band, Choral Union, Trombone Choir, and was required to complete Junior and Senior recitals. She graduated from Stetson in 2013 and has helped in music programs ever since.
Her mission is to develop a program at Umatilla Elementary School that allows students to come out of their box and experience the world of the arts so that they may engage in community wide initiatives and demonstrate their learning., while also developing critical listening, thinking, and speaking skills that music can offer!
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